You chatted with me on tinder and invited me over to your place. I am over 6-feet tall of solid muscle. You seated selectively, and you welcome me in. You tell me that I am in great shape and tall but short compared to you. You stand, and I come up to your chest. I am looking up with an excited look on my face. You tease me about the height difference, and you notice how turned on I am already. You bend down and look me in the eyes and tease me about how much you need to bend down. I am getting more excited, and you kiss me as I am looking deep into your eyes. You stand where again I am chest level looking up in love with you. You keep teasing me as you realize the effect I have on you. You tell me that it turns you on to make tall, powerful men feel tiny compared to you. I tell you that you are my dream woman, and he always wanted to be with a tall woman like you. You smile and then bend down and look me in the eyes and tell me you can grow taller, and you will put on a show for me as long as I keep looking up at your gorgeous face. You see how excited I am by that. You then stand and grow a couple of times as your bikini gets tighter and tighter. You start towering over me more and more, and I am getting more and more excited. With a minute left, I come up to your thighs and humping on your legs. You then grab me by the throat and lift me with one arm with ease. Bring me to eye level as you stand and kiss me and tell me I am yours. Have your face showing the whole video